Monday, February 04, 2008

Google Code - Part 1

As I've mentioned earlier, I'm using Google Code to host the apselex project - an Adobe Photoshop Elements Explorer.

It is very easy to get started, and quite easy to use.

But, one thing was eluding me - how to use images in the wiki. I know - the help page has some examples, but as with all these things, the devil is in the details.
  • the image needs to be an external link
  • as such it needs to be hosted, and available
  • a "makes sense" approach is to store images in the wiki directory itself
  • and then simply point to the image with a link like this:


Naturally, using Eclipse, it was pretty straight forward to put some images in this directory. The approach I took was:
  • create a separate Eclipse project - mine was called ApselWiki
  • share this as a Team project (using subversion), and use the wiki as the URL

    Note, that the wiki directory is outside the /trunk directory. That is, it's in the root of your project.
  • You can then simple paste new images into the Eclipse project - and also edit your wiki pages if you really like.
  • Then simply perform a "Team -> Synchronize"